April 2017 Goals

April 2017 Goals

April is my favorite month! The weather is starting to get really lovely, I get to celebrate my birthday, and, back when I was in school, the semester was getting close to being over. You can finally tell that summer is on it’s way!

This month is going to be particularly wonderful because Stephen and I get to go on vacation. In less than a week we’re going to hop on a plane to NYC to explore the city and visit Boston for a couple days. We’re going to a Red Sox game and a broadway show and I could not be more excited. That makes my goal of staying on top of editing this month super important because I do not plan on doing any work while we’re gone. We need a real vacation!


  • Stay caught up on editing – I say this every time I’m about to get busy, but I have to make this a priority through April and May with all the photo sessions and weddings I have on my calendar.
  • Go through educational materials – It’s a lofty goal to think I’ll have time for this in the next two months, but I’m going to try to keep up with it. I’ve spent money on some amazing educational materials in the last couple months, but it’s not going to do me any good just sitting on my computer!
  • Read – While I have been doing more of this, it will continue to be on my to-do list until it’s more of a habit. I always feel so refreshed when I take a break from screens and settle down with a book for a while, but sometimes it’s hard to make myself do it!
  • Continue Sadie’s training – I’m sorry to say this has been on the back burner with how busy we’ve been. We haven’t been as consistent with her when we’re walking on the leash or telling her to ‘come’ so she’s not getting better at those things, which she needs to. I also really want to start teaching her how to ‘stay.’


  • Fix website – I had so many website bugs to deal with last month in addition to just wanted to get some fresh content up, and I’m SO happy to say that it’s finally all done! I’m so excited that my website is again displaying my best work.
  • Schedule spring sessions – Almost all the family and engagement sessions I wanted to schedule this spring are on the calendar now! The next month is looking a touch busy, but that’s okay. =)
  • Book mini sessions – I’ve had so many inquiries for grad sessions this spring that I’ve had to turn people away! While I hate not getting to work with people who are excited about my photography, it’s encouraging to see my business grow.
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