Benjamin 7 Months | Lake Charles Family Photographer

Lake Charles Family Photographer

I know I just posted Benjamin’s 6-month photos a couple weeks ago, but I got a bit behind. He’s 7 months today!! This month he got to spend a lot of time with Uncle Philip, who was here for two whole weeks. One week he went to VBS every morning and then napped all day the Saturday after. We also went to a lake with some friends and he got to explore water and sand. He’s pretty apathetic about both so far 🙂 He’s trying more and more foods, is crawling/exploring like a champ, and is in the process of dropping a nap! We’re seeing his personality come out more and more, and it’s so much fun! But I tell you, it’s getting harder and harder to get photos of him. He just wants to move, move, move! And chew on the month number sign.

  • This month Benjamin started making more distinct babbling sounds. He’s always been a shrieker, but the sounds he’s making now sound more like pre-words than they ever have.
  • He’s been sticking his tongue out again, and it’s so cute! Especially when he does it when he crawls.
  • He crawls wherever he wants to these days. Mostly on one knee and one foot.
  • His favorite things to explore are dog related: food bowls, crate, and Sadie herself. He chases her around the house, and I even saw him head-butting her the other day.
  • He has no fear of falling. He pulls up on his knees to try to reach things above him, and he pushes up on his hands and feet all the time.
  • He’s started tossing his head back and wrinkling his nose when he laughs, and it kills me!
  • We went to Altitude trampoline park with the youth last weekend and Benjamin loved bouncing! I definitely plan to go to toddler time there during the week once he’s a little older.
  • He’s tried a lot of new foods including peaches, watermelon, green beans, and scrambled eggs. He’s not a huge fan of most of them, but he liked the eggs once he got past the texture!
Target acquired
He just loves her so much!
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