Lake Charles Family Photos | Benjamin 1 Year

Lake Charles Family Photos

Lake Charles Family Photos

I had most of this ready and written before Christmas, much closer to his actual birthday, but it didn’t get posted before we traveled, so I’m just now getting back to it! I intended to finish it up while we were gone, but who was I kidding, that was never going to happen.

Lots of people get emotional when their kids hit big milestones. Honestly, I didn’t think that’d be me. But the night before Benjamin’s birthday, when I was putting him to bed, I just wanted to hold him all night. He doesn’t like being hugged very tightly, but I just wanted to squeeze him and never let go. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year already! He is such an easy-going, happy kid (unless he can’t get to something he wants…we’re trying to teach him the word “help.”) Just like when we got married, it’s hard to remember life before Benjamin. He’s a part of the family now, and we’re just so thankful. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. There have been days when he’s so fussy and nothing I do makes him happy. Those days we better hope there are leftovers for dinner or it’s PB&J. There are nights when he wakes up for seemingly no reason and nothing seems to help him get back to sleep. There’s teething and blowouts, and we definitely don’t get out as much as we used to. As hard as those things are, I know that as he gets older the challenges will change. We’ll have to work through discipline and help him through trouble with friends. He might have a hard time with math or like to push the rules. It’s a little intimidating thinking about those things, but I know God will provide the grace and wisdom we need when we need it. For now, we celebrate the milestones and love watching our little man grow and learn!

  • He has 6 teeth now, four on top and two on the bottom! I’m still not used to his toothy little grin.
  • He takes steps when he’s not thinking about it, but he doesn’t always want to when coaxed.
  • He’s starting to be a little more picky about what he eats. That’s been interesting!
  • He just moved into 18m clothes, which is great, because he got a ton for Christmas!
  • When I tell him ‘no’ he repeats it, shaking his head. He knows how to use it when HE wants to say no, but ignores me when I say it. Oh boy!
  • Sneezing still makes him laugh harder and more consistently than almost anything else.
  • He can point to Sadie, light, fan, Christmas tree, mama, and dada when asked where they are. The last few weeks he also learned door, dog, Nana, Rachel, and Evan.
  • He knows cows say moo, but also thinks all the rest of the farm animals say moo as well. When we were at Chick-fil-A over Christmas he kept seeing the cows everywhere and mooing.
  • He LOVES to climb. He was all over anything he could get to while we were traveling, and it makes me thankful we don’t have stairs in our house.
  • He claps when we say ‘yay’ and when he hears other people clapping, even people on TV.

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