Category Archives: Personal

Alaska Vacation

Alaska Vacation Last week we went on vacation with my family on an Alaska cruise!! I’ve always wanted to go to Alaska, and my dad’s been talking about this trip for 8 years. It was AMAZING to finally get to do it!!! Just about everything I looked at took my breath away, and it was so...

How I Got Started with Photography

How I got Started with Photography When I was a kid, about 8 years old I think, I stole my mom’s camera. I don’t remember anything about that camera except that it needed film. I wanted to take some pictures on it, so I took it from her room and hid it under my bed...

I Finally Finished my Canvas Project!

Canvas Project Remember that canvas project I started four months ago?? Well, I started it before the spring busy season really got going, and then I had to put it on hold. Now that I’m officially in the its-too-hot-summer-off-season, I have more time to do things just for fun. I know I’m not the best...

Happy Birthday, Rachel!

Happy Birthday, Rachel! My sweet sister is turns 20 today!! In some ways I can’t believe she’s already 20 and in other ways I can’t believe she’s only 20! Does that make any sense at all? Rachel’s always been my baby sister, the one that I grew up protecting from our brother and teaching about...

DIY Canvas Project

DIY Canvas Project As a photographer and graphic designer, it probably doesn’t surprise you that I’m a creative at heart. I love making things, whether it’s beautiful photos for my clients, gifts for my family, or projects for my home. When it comes to projects, I’m not always great at coming up with my own...

Labor Day Weekend 2015 | Asheville

Our church owns a cabin right outside of Asheville, and for the past two years we’ve stayed there with a group of friends for labor day weekend. This year we played a lot of board games, spent a lot of time on the porch, and went for a couple of stunningly beautiful hikes in the mountains. We...

Summer Vacation 2015 | Michigan

Summer Vacation 2015 I love Michigan in the summertime. My family has moved around a lot, but no matter where we are, we always go back for at least a week. Most years I start looking forward to that week as soon as Christmas is over. We have a cabin on a river with no...

Serving North Carolina & Beyond